While everyone knows it’s important to dress smartly for an interview, less obvious — and less known— is the importance of how you carry yourself. What hidden cues do you give when you walk through the doorway, shake hands or sit?
Don’t forget to breathe — deeply 深呼吸
The moment people get nervous, the more quickly they start breathing. That can wreak havoc in an interview.
Practice breathing more slowly, using your diaphragm, belly, rib cage and lower back in the process.
The eyes have it 对视
Eye contact is important, and any less or any more than a reasonable amount may indicate other attitudes. What’s just right? That might be hard to tell in some situations, mirroring the amount of time the interviewer gives you eye contact. If there is a panel of interviewers, it’s important to provide the right mix of time for each person. “Respond to each person individually with eye contact when answering questions,” he said. “Glancing around is a signal for boredom, so avoid it if possible.”