Cold Dew, (Chinese: 寒露), the 17th solar term of the year, begins thisyear on Oct 8 and ends on Oct 23.
At this time, temperatures are much lower than in White Dew in most areasof China. The dew is greater and colder and there will be less rain. Autumncrops will be ripe.
Temperatures drop significantly in October. When the cold air encountersautumn rain, the abundant water vapor in the air soon reaches saturation, andthen it turns into misty rain or fog. When the humidity is high, there will befoggy regions formed in many areas of China.
Season for fishing秋钓
People always say that fishing in shallow water in autumn does make sense.
That's because during the Cold Dew period, temperatures decrease quickly andsunshine cannot reach the deep water thoroughly. Fish all swim to shallow waterareas where the water temperature is relatively high.
Season for eating pomegranates石榴成熟时
Pomegranates are ripe during Cold Dew. Pomegranates have been cherished fortheir exquisite beauty, flavor, color, and health benefits for centuries.